Hello! After nearly 40 amazing years working with independent school leaders, EdwardsCo is no longer accepting new clients. Even though our business has been the strongest it’s ever been, I decided to transition into semi-retirement this year while on a high note! I will be forever grateful to the core EdwardsCo team for 12 incredible years together - Barbara, Jean, Christina, Dale, Rick and Chuck - and to all of our other partners. Thank you!

EdwardsCo is formally transitioning into a much smaller practice with a narrow focus. As a solo practitioner, I will continue to advise trustees and senior leadership on strategic  issues. I will also continue as I have been for the past 12 months to refer schools to other trustworthy and proven partners for their research, branding, and marketing needs.

If I can be of help to you at all, please complete this form or email me at mkadison@edwardsco.com

- Maria Kadison

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