
Forsyth Country Day School

Creative Platform and Design
Brand Strategy
Creative Execution


Forsyth Country Day School

Located in Winston-Salem, Forsyth is the only Pre-K12/co-ed private school in the area. Forsyth's greatest competitive threat is very good public schools, including gifted and talented programs. In this competitive context, Forsyth's greatest strength was academic excellence tied to a wide variety of academic and extra-curricular optionsthe very same "specials" being cut from public school budgets.

private school branding

Creative Platform

These storyboards illustrate the magic of a creative team that weaves brand strategy, supportive messages, and brand voice into an integrated whole. Design elements highlight the duality of our brand strategy. Two sides combine into a unified outcome that points straight up. Gradient colors symbolize a transformative experience.

brand example independent school
Private School Brand example
Priavte School brand example

Forsyth's brand platform easily spans all age groups and academic and extracurricular interests.

branding example private school
Private school branding example
branding example private school

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